This looks like something that a real environmental economist might be able to use in their research*

  • By admin
  • October 11, 2023
  • 0

From Data are Plural (10/11): 

Michigan air permit violations. For local news organization Planet Detroit, freelance journalist Shelby Jouppi has built a daily-updating dashboard of air quality permit violations cited by Michigan’s Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy. The dataset lists 1,500+ violation notices since 2018; for each, it provides the notice date and findings, facility name and location, and more. To construct it, Jouppi had to scrape individual notice PDFs from the department’s website and then extract the information from those documents. Read more: “Southwest Detroit steel slag processor receives 12th air quality permit violation for fallout since 2018,” an article by Jouppi based on the data.

Here is a screenshot of the map:

*Not someone who uses stated preference data.