The outcry from establishment media figures following the decision by the Washington Post and Los Angeles Times to not endorse a presidential candidate shows how out of...
Step 1: abolish all income taxes and the IRS. If that’s not the first step, then tax “reform” is will end up in higher taxes, and we...
Support him or oppose him, Javier Milei does not invoke a neutral response from anyone. For Austrian economists, Milei has made some genuine free-market moves, but also...
As real wages decline and middle-class savings are depleted, the government expands its influence, garnering support from a substantial portion of the populace.
Einstein’s name is synonymous with brilliance, yet his great intelligence did not translate to logical economic thinking. Instead, Einstein embraced socialism, thinking that one could guide an...
While the US dollar is the world’s “reserve” currency—at least for now—the reckless spending and money creation policies of the US government place the dollar in peril.