In a recent interview with 60 Minutes, Fed chairman Jerome Powell gave assurances that the US banking system is sound. Ben Bernanke also claimed almost twenty years...
When governments go to war, the nation’s monetary system usually descends into the pit of inflation. The War of 1812 was no exception, and its monetary excesses...
As officials feign outrage over the death of Alexei Navalny and the jailing of Evan Gershkovich, the US government tries to imprison a journalist for breaking truly...
Socialists never give up trying to prove that socialism can maintain a functioning economy. Some have dragged out a nearly forty year old study as their exhibit...
While Thomas Paine might be one of the most obscure “Founding Fathers” of this country, he was a powerful intellect who helped move people to choose liberty...
Mark examines the increasing prospects of global warfare and the catastrophic results.
As Murray Rothbard has noted, there is an important distinction between nation and state. The former is a voluntary association of people while the latter is coercive...
Many of the high-flying businesses that received massive publicity turned out to be the creation of a bubble economy. Not all businesses are flashes in a pan;...
At best, a CBDC is surveillance masquerading as currency. The central bank would have precise information of your currency usage, savings, borrowing, and more.
If the housing market is an indicator, the Fed’s actions in slowing down the housing market soon will be reflected in the economy itself.