Many of the high-flying businesses that received massive publicity turned out to be the creation of a bubble economy. Not all businesses are flashes in a pan;...
Paul Krugman claims that the real factor determining inflation is the rate of unemployment, not increases in the supply of money. As usual, he is wrong.
Governments in the US subsidize immigration through a bevy of welfare programs. The effect of subsidization is predictable: you get more of what you subsidize. This is...
Few economists—even the free-market advocates—understand what caused the Great Depression. No, the Fed didn’t cause the Depression by failing to inflate the currency. Instead, it was the...
While modern India is known for adopting socialism in the 1940s, it has an older tradition of free markets. It is time to rediscover that tradition.
Nearly two decades ago, Congressman Ron Paul identified his campaign with the call to “audit the Fed.” Congress ignored him then, but the movement to examine and...
On this week’s Radio Rothbard, Ryan and Tho reflect on the fourth anniversary of the political response to covid.
Courts in the US and Canada are beginning to rule in favor of race-based outcomes, making “justice” a tool of ethnic identity. This movement will not end...