In a recent symposium on Murray Rothbard’s For a New Liberty, philosopher Matt Zwolinski takes issue with Rothbard on Murray’s views of freedom and property rights.
Many people are selling their gold to make ends meet. Others are buying gold as insurance against mounting price inflation.
Despite statements from Biden and other progressives, profits in a market economy are not a form of plunder. Instead, they represent entrepreneurial gains that mostly benefit consumers.
Private property and sound money enable economic flourishing.
Presented at the 2024 Human Action Conference.
Presented at the 2024 Human Action Conference in Auburn, Alabama.
Public schools specialize in disrespecting both the children they ostensibly serve and their families.
Thus, in many schools around the country, students deal with both physical and emotional aggression each day such that school becomes more about surviving than thriving.
Presented at the 2024 Human Action Conference in Auburn, Alabama.