While Mises was a utilitarian, he believed people acted to improve their lot because of a felt uneasiness that could be rectified through free markets.
While Mises was a utilitarian, he believed people acted to improve their lot because of a felt uneasiness that could be rectified through free markets.
Presented at the 2024 Human Action Conference.
Unfortunately, these assaults on the First Amendment continue to find support even among people who pretend to be in support of freedom and opposed to federal power.
Mainstream economists claim money has purchasing power because the government issuing the money has so declared. That makes no sense.
In a recent symposium on Murray Rothbard’s For a New Liberty, philosopher Matt Zwolinski takes issue with Rothbard on Murray’s views of freedom and property rights.
Many people are selling their gold to make ends meet. Others are buying gold as insurance against mounting price inflation.