The concrete effects of the destruction of money and property on human personality are demonstrated most vividly in the historical episode of the German hyperinflation of 1923.
Switzerland has been a neutral country for about five hundred years. Sweden also has a tradition of neutrality, but it has recently changed its position, to its...
The neoconservatives are prime examples of what happens when the temptation to empire and hegemony, far from being resisted, is eagerly embraced by conservatives.
The US government’s recent arms sale to Israel is a reminder that arms sales have become a significant part of US foreign policy, as well as a...
Fallout, the dystopian series on Prime, hardly is free market in its caricature of business. However, the show lends itself to being analyzed through the lens of...
According to an article in The Atlantic, Washington is turning away from its previous commitment to “free trade.” However, there never was a “free trade consensus” because...
Even though the US had a semilibertarian revolution, there are few libertarians in representative governance.
The failure of mainstream economics to teach real economics, as opposed to contrived “models” of market failure and central macroeconomic planning, is why Mises University has been...
The Mises Institute “exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian school of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig...