As total (mostly part-time) “jobs” rose 273,000 in May—thanks largely to made-up numbers—total employed workers fell by 408,000 people.
Keynesian economists have no good explanation for stagflation, rising rates of both inflation and unemployment. However, the Austrian School has long pointed out that sustained inflation has...
Contra Keynesians, who believe that government spending and bureaucracy are the keys to economic growth, it is the bureaucratic state that swallows resources and stifles entrepreneurs. The...
State-sponsored fiat money has been the norm for more than ninety years, but its very instability makes it vulnerable to a regime of sound money.
Socialism does not infect our body politic just through economic measures. The current obessession with implementing DEI policies has all of the hallmarks of how socialist measures...
Oil prices have weakened in recent weeks despite the war in Gaza and rising geopolitical risk. This points to overall economic contraction.
The endless bubble economy has a new lending craze: loans backed by AI chips. The problem is that while the chips serve as collateral, companies right now...
Economics researcher Joakim Book joins Bob to discuss his recent article on the dollar’s international dominance.
Just because a politician says he believes X doesn’t mean he actually believes it. Then, even if he believes it right now, we can’t know that he’ll...