Mark Thornton discusses his new paper on Ludwig von Mises, trade, and human progress.
Economic laws represent the real world. They are not ideologies or objects of worship. These laws are not the product of an ideological wish list but rather...
While protecting “intellectual property” has a good sound to it — even among libertarians — such policies are harmful to authentic property rights. We need to pursue...
For all of the media ballyhoo about the CHIPS Act, it really is a page out of the old five-year plans from the Soviet Union. The CHIPS...
Environmentalists insist on banning fossil fuels and refrigerant gasses in order to end heat waves. That means people will face future heat waves (which will always be...
Even as the Federal Reserve continues to manipulate interest rates to “fight” the results of the business cycle, Austrian economics teaches that business cycles occur because of...
A common complaint is that the 1964 Civil Rights Act started in the “right direction,” valuing so-called equality of opportunity, but then went off the rails with...
What began as supposedly a free trade union has been turning into an authoritarian, interventionist nightmare. A recent speech by a top European Union commissioner shows the...