With its focus on dismantling the administrative state, Project 2025 represents a refreshingly serious turn for the American right. However, its policy prescriptions remain frustratingly moderate.
By appealing to the self-interest of buyers and sellers, capitalism foils attempts by lawmakers to create racially constructed limits on voluntary exchange. Capitalism undermines racism.
With the European economy remaining relatively stagnant and government debt levels climbing to disturbing levels, it’s possible that some of these countries will see another debt crisis...
Libertarians have no problem dealing with how private property should be policed, but what about those areas we call public spaces? Murray Rothbard, not surprisingly, examined the...
The United States abolished its first three central banks, and this was followed by a period of immense economic growth. End the Fed? We did it before...
In their Space, Elon Musk spoke with Donald Trump about the cause of inflation being government overspending.
American politicians today are attacking free economic exchange, claiming it is lowering our standards of living. In reality, trade and exchange is the real golden goose.
Ryan’s lecture at Mises University 2024
Mises’s vision of democracy must be understood in light of his support for unlimited secession as a tool against majoritarian rule.
The late Walter Williams was a clear thinker when it came to issues of race and economics. While some socio-economic differences in society can be attributed to...