While Kamala Harris has not said much about her proposals for US foreign policy, her associations and likely appointments speak very loudly for the continuation of promoting...
In 301 AD, Roman emperor Diocletian implemented price ceilings on over 1,200 goods. His edict shows that not much has changed regarding the politics and economics of...
David Gordon reviews J.W. Rich’s new book, Praxeological Ethics: An Inquiry into the Nature and Foundation of Ethics and finds much to like about this volume.
The Fed promises a soft landing, but the fact that the Fed now plans to start cutting interest rates is one of the strongest recession signals we...
John Tamny and Jack Ryan get heretical about housing. They argue, in part, that owning a home comes with significant costs and may not be “worth it,”...
With the U.S. Government engaged in out-of-control spending, we are looking at tax increases in the coming years. And even if Congress does not pass official tax...
While Donald Trump is trying to appeal to homeschooling families with his Agenda 47 plan, the reality is that by offering tax breaks and subsidies, the federal...