The US federal government is the nation’s largest landlord and still owns 28 percent of the land in the US. The time has come for large-scale privatization.
The standard belief is that slavery was about obtaining “cheap labor,“ yet nothing could be further from the truth. Slavery comes with high opportunity costs, which is...
The Perfect Market Hypothesis claims that all movements in the market can be considered as random, as market players and prices adjust immediately to new information. However,...
Marx built his infamous Labor Theory of Value on the premise that labor itself was a commodity. However, as Mises and other Austrians have noted, Marx failed...
What Murray Rothbard used to call the “Old Right” stood for liberty, freedom of speech, and a free economy. Most importantly, they stood for peace, all in...
Marx built his infamous Labor Theory of Value on the premise that labor itself was a commodity. However, as Mises and other Austrians have noted, Marx failed...
There is good evidence that the Skyscraper Curse is dead. But what does that mean? Are historical changes are in the works?
While people knowing the history of the Austrian school of economics are familiar with the School of Salamanca, it turns out they were influenced by jurists in...
The Salamanca School is known for important contributions to free-market economics and the Austrian School. The Bolognese jurists also made key contributions.
It is understood that Marx’s theories stand entirely upon his Labor Theory of Value. If that theory is discredited, so is the scenario that leads to the...