While some economists are lauding the idea of the “entrepreneurial state,” the reality is that such a term turns the very concept of entrepreneurship on its head....
Why do people prep? Are preppers irrational and out of touch with reality?
In its so-called war against “hate,” the state determines who are the villains and then instructs everyone else to hate the “haters.” As one might expect, the...
When the bankers called for a central bank in the US, they claimed to only want a way to stop bank runs. It turns out that they...
With Europe moving toward conflict in 1938, a number of economists and other intellectuals met in Paris to try to revitalize liberalism. Ludwig von Mises also was...
Legal philosopher Jeremy Waldron in his book The Rule of Law and the Measure of Property challenges the Lockean view of legitimate property ownership. David Gordon sheds...
Dr. Philipp Bagus explains the main ideas from his new book which defends Misesian business cycle theory from a recent critique.
Contra Marx, the laws of economics are immutable and are the same no matter what historical epoch exists. Economies cannot flourish unless market prices, private property rights,...
The Ukraine war rages on and while the media and political classes repeat the “Putin started it” mantra, the evidence points elsewhere. The US government and its...
Ask most people why our economy is advanced, and they will likely will answer, “Technology.” Yet, technical knowledge is meaningless without capital development, and capital development is...