From the NORC NOW email: $394 billion. That’s how much hunters, anglers, and wildlife observers spent on being in the wild in 2022, according to the latest...
From the NORC NOW email: $394 billion. That’s how much hunters, anglers, and wildlife observers spent on being in the wild in 2022, according to the latest...
I wrote a referee comment to the effect of: Many contingent valuation method researchers use the nonparametrice Turnbull WTP estimates for hypothesis testing. This is inappropriate when...
I wrote a referee comment to the effect of: Many contingent valuation method researchers use the nonparametrice Turnbull WTP estimates for hypothesis testing. This is inappropriate when...
Tanga Mohr and John Whitehead [1]Department of Economics Appalachian State University Introduction The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is a cap-and-trade program that covers the electric power sector...
Tanga Mohr and John Whitehead [1]Department of Economics Appalachian State University Introduction The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is a cap-and-trade program that covers the electric power sector...
In which we* use old-timey contingent valuation willingness to pay for a recreation trip questions. After this paper and others (in the past and in the future),...
In which we* use old-timey contingent valuation willingness to pay for a recreation trip questions. After this paper and others (in the past and in the future),...
From Data are Plural (10/11): Michigan air permit violations. For local news organization Planet Detroit, freelance journalist Shelby Jouppi has built a daily-updating dashboard of air quality permit violations cited by Michigan’s Department of...
From Data are Plural (10/11): Michigan air permit violations. For local news organization Planet Detroit, freelance journalist Shelby Jouppi has built a daily-updating dashboard of air quality permit violations cited by Michigan’s Department of...